

Biedermeier commode

Biedermeier commode

Product.Nr. 40097

Available, enough stock

€ 19,90*

Biedermeier commode

Biedermeier commode

Product.Nr. 40097

Available, enough stock

€ 19,90*

Natural wood construction kit

7 x 9 x 5 cm (HxWxD)


The second and third picture shows another design example. Here, the colour 'green tea' or 'buttercream' was used, which was then slightly removed by wiping to get a shabby look. The legs and fittings were replaced by others. Have a look at our different fittings and furniture legs and create your own look! (Photo by dollhouse_smithery)

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Biedermeier etagere

Biedermeier etagere

Product.Nr. 40102

Available, enough stock

€ 19,20*

Biedermeier etagere

Biedermeier etagere

Product.Nr. 40102

Available, enough stock

€ 19,20*

Natural wood construction kit

The miniatures shown are not included.

15 x 7 x 3.5 cm (HxWxD)


The other pictures show other design examples of the furniture kit. Amongst other things, an old rose and old white were used as well as dark hardware. (pictures by @cheries_mini and @dollhouse_smithery)

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Biedermeier sewing table

Biedermeier sewing table

Product.Nr. 40104

Available, enough stock

€ 15,90*

Biedermeier sewing table

Biedermeier sewing table

Product.Nr. 40104

Available, enough stock

€ 15,90*

Natural wood construction kit

6.5 x 6.5 x 3 cm (HxWxD)

The work surface can be folded up to reveal several compartments and a drawer underneath it.

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Biedermeier glass cabinet

Biedermeier glass cabinet

Product.Nr. 40105

Available, enough stock

€ 29,90*

Biedermeier glass cabinet

Biedermeier glass cabinet

Product.Nr. 40105

Available, enough stock

€ 29,90*

Natural wood construction kit.

The panes and shelves are real glass, the back panel is made from genuine mirror glass.
The small Chippendale legs, which we have used for our white version of the Biedermeier cabinet, are not included in the delivery.

17,5 x 9,8 x 4,6 cm (HxWxD)

The small Chippendale legs, which we have used for our white version of the Biedermeier cabinet, are not included in the delivery.

The other pictures show different design possibilities. (third photo made by @dollhouse_smithery)

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Biedermeier mirror and wall table

Biedermeier mirror and wall table

Product.Nr. 40106

Available, enough stock

€ 20,40*

Biedermeier mirror and wall table

Biedermeier mirror and wall table

Product.Nr. 40106

Available, enough stock

€ 20,40*

Genuine mirror glass is included for the mirror, the wall table is built separately.

Natural wood construction kit.

Collective dimensions:
18 x 9 x 4 cm (HxWxD)

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Biedermeier sideboard

Biedermeier sideboard

Product.Nr. 40107

Available, enough stock

€ 24,50*

Biedermeier sideboard

Biedermeier sideboard

Product.Nr. 40107

Available, enough stock

€ 24,50*

Furniture kit made of natural wood.

This beautiful Biedermeier sideboard with gilded brass fittings is a wonderful addition to any room; whether for the dining room, living room or even for the stylishly furnished Biedermeier bedroom.

The drawers and doors can all be opened.

Colour changes everything!
Instead of the varnish with cherry tree (# 43003), which was formative for the age of the Biedermeier, you can glaze the cupboard with mahogany (# 43001) and finish it with patina (# 43006) as a beautiful variation.


The second picture shows another design example. The piece of furniture was sanded and the colour 'mustard yellow' was used. The legs and fittings have been replaced with others. Have a look at our different fittings as well as furniture legs and create your own look! (Photo by dollhouse_smithery)


7 x 12 x 4 cm (HxWxD)

The decoration shown is not included.

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Biedermeier longcase clock

Biedermeier longcase clock

Product.Nr. 40108

Available, enough stock

€ 17,90*

Biedermeier longcase clock

Biedermeier longcase clock

Product.Nr. 40108

Available, enough stock

€ 17,90*

Furniture kit made of natural wood.
The Biedermeier longcase clock is a wonderful addition for every room; whether for the living room, the corridor or even for the stylishly furnished Biedermeier entrance hall.
The door, behind which pendulums and weights are concealed, can be opened.
Colour changes everything!
Instead of the varnish with cherry tree (# 43003), which was formative for the age of the Biedermeier, you can glaze the longcase clock with mahogany (# 43001) and finish it with patina (# 43006) as a beautiful variation.

The second picture shows our clock in a different design. Creamy white and golden colours were used, as well as wallpaper to decorate the surface. (Photo by @miniature_french_world)

17 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm (HxWxD)
Dial, pendulum and weights are made of brass.
A movement is not included in the kit.

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Wardrobe and linen closet

Wardrobe and linen closet

Product.Nr. 40110

Available, enough stock

€ 26,50*

Wardrobe and linen closet

Wardrobe and linen closet

Product.Nr. 40110

Available, enough stock

€ 26,50*

Natural wood construction kit

with four shelfs

and gold plated brass knobs.

17.5 x 11.5 x 5.5 cm (HxWxD)

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Sideboard, white

Sideboard, white

Product.Nr. 41630

Currently not available

€ 16,50*

  Currently not available.

Sideboard, white

Sideboard, white

Product.Nr. 41630

Currently not available

€ 16,50*

Finished furniture made of natural wood, white lacquered.

120 x 45 x 65 mm (WxDxH)

  Currently not available.

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Chippendale wall mirror

Chippendale wall mirror

Product.Nr. 42402

Available, enough stock

€ 15,80*

Chippendale wall mirror

Chippendale wall mirror

Product.Nr. 42402

Available, enough stock

€ 15,80*

The natural construction kit includes two different lengths of genuine mirror glass; optionally for one large and one small wall mirror.

large 13 x 6 cm, small 8 x 6 cm (HxW)

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Chippendale standing mirror

Chippendale standing mirror

Product.Nr. 42405

Available, enough stock

€ 25,70*

Chippendale standing mirror

Chippendale standing mirror

Product.Nr. 42405

Available, enough stock

€ 25,70*

with drawer.

Natural wood construction kit with real mirror glass.

We did not use the enclosed side ornamentations for our white lacquered version of the standing mirror... Our kits are ideal for your own designs and colour creations.

140 x 80 x 60 mm (HxWxD)

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Straight staircase

Straight staircase

Product.Nr. 70100

Available, enough stock

€ 27,50*

Straight staircase

Straight staircase

Product.Nr. 70100

Available, enough stock

€ 27,50*

Natural wood construction kit, including stair railing.


65 x 328 mm (W x L)

The staircase is designed for a ceiling height of 250 mm.
Required area: 66 x 200 mm

The stair railing can be mounted right or left.

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Spiral staircase

Spiral staircase

Product.Nr. 70110

Available, enough stock

€ 36,00*

Spiral staircase

Spiral staircase

Product.Nr. 70110

Available, enough stock

€ 36,00*

Natural wood construction kit includes:
12 steps, 3 end posts, 11 spindles, 12 post pieces, 2 brass rods for the center post and eyelet pins and cords for the handrail.

The staircase is designed for a ceiling height of 250 mm.

Required area: 120 x 65 mm
Ceiling cut-out 80 x 65 mm

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Spiral staircase - 280 mm

Spiral staircase - 280 mm

Product.Nr. 70115

Available, enough stock

€ 39,50*

Spiral staircase - 280 mm

Spiral staircase - 280 mm

Product.Nr. 70115

Available, enough stock

€ 39,50*

Natural wood construction kit includes:
14 steps, 3 end posts, 13 spindles, 3 post pieces, 2 brass rods for the center post and eyelet pins and cords for the handrail.

The staircase is designed for a ceiling height of 280 mm.

Required area: 120 x 65 mm
Ceiling cut-out 80 x 65 mm

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Angled staircase, 250 mm

Angled staircase, 250 mm

Product.Nr. 70120

Available, enough stock

€ 32,50*

Angled staircase, 250 mm

Angled staircase, 250 mm

Product.Nr. 70120

Available, enough stock

€ 32,50*

Natural wood construction kit, including stair railing. 

contains of:
2 stair stringers with 8 steps each
1 platform plate
3 railing end posts
2 railing handrails
16 banister spindles
16 tread plates with hole for spindles

The staircase is designed for a ceiling height of 250 mm.
Required area for the staircase: 170 x 180 mm (WxD)

The staircase can be mounted angled to the right or left. 
The picture shows the constructionally identical angled staircase # 70125 for a ceiling height of 280 mm.

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Angled staircase, 280 mm

Angled staircase, 280 mm

Product.Nr. 70125

Available, enough stock

€ 37,50*

Angled staircase, 280 mm

Angled staircase, 280 mm

Product.Nr. 70125

Available, enough stock

€ 37,50*

Natural wood construction kit, includung istair railing.

Dimensions (width x depth):
The staircase is designed for a ceiling height of 280 mm.

Required area: 200 x 185 mm

The staircase can be mounted both rightwards as well as angled to the left.

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Handrail for banister

Handrail for banister

Product.Nr. 70200

Available, enough stock

€ 3,25*

€ 5,33 pro metre

Handrail for banister

Handrail for banister

Product.Nr. 70200

Available, enough stock

€ 3,25*

€ 5,33 pro metre

suitable for the round railing rods #70240.

Natural wood

610 x 8,3 x 7,4 mm (LxWxH)

groove 2,6 mm

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Banister end posts

Banister end posts

Product.Nr. 70210

Available, enough stock

€ 7,00*

€ 1,17 pro piece

Banister end posts

Banister end posts

Product.Nr. 70210

Available, enough stock

€ 7,00*

€ 1,17 pro piece

6 pieces

Length:  89 mm
Base:  10 x 10 mm

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Floorboard foil, 400 x 270 mm

Floorboard foil, 400 x 270 mm

Product.Nr. 70795

Available, enough stock

€ 7,50*

Floorboard foil, 400 x 270 mm

Floorboard foil, 400 x 270 mm

Product.Nr. 70795

Available, enough stock

€ 7,50*

Sheet size: 400 x 270mm (LxW)

Glossy film on cardboard, not self-adhesive.


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Floorboard foil, dark pine

Floorboard foil, dark pine

Product.Nr. 70930

Available, enough stock

€ 7,50*

Floorboard foil, dark pine

Floorboard foil, dark pine

Product.Nr. 70930

Available, enough stock

€ 7,50*

Floorboard foil, dark pine

ideally suitable for floors

297 x 400 mm

Glossy film on cardboard, not self-adhesive

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Black/white tiles, embossed

Black/white tiles, embossed

Product.Nr. 70945

Available, enough stock

€ 8,90*

Black/white tiles, embossed

Black/white tiles, embossed

Product.Nr. 70945

Available, enough stock

€ 8,90*

Black and white tiles, embossed

Ideal for floors

297 x 400 mm

embossed glossy foil on cardboard, not self-adhesive

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